Concierge Hormone Replacement: $235/month
If you live in Oregon, we offer an all-inclusive, cash pay membership plan with easy monthly automatic payments to keep you feeling your best, stress-free. Our concierge service includes everything you need to be on bio-identical hormone replacement therapy including all medications, laboratory analysis, follow-up provider appointments and more.
Additional Costs: Treatment requires one annual in-person physical exam & evaluation where you meet with a provider in one of our three clinics to assess your overall health & well-being. You can use your insurance for this visit or pay a one time fee of $300 your first visit and then $200 for each annual visit.
All other provider appointments are included in your membership plan. You choose how often, what time you want to meet with a provider and what method:
Phone call
Virtual visit (video)
In-person visit
Three provider appointments are recommended your first year on therapy, then one visit every 6 months there after. But you decide, we’ll support you.
Have more questions? Schedule additional appointments with a provider at your discretion as often as you need in order to get all of your questions answered and stay informed of your personal health.
Note: All appointments are included in your membership plan except for your initial visit and your annual physical exams (required once per year). You can use your health insurance plan to pay for these in-clinic visits or pay our cash price.
We accept most major Insurance plans. Call or stop in today to find out if your insurance plan covers therapy. If it does cover BHRT, we will help you understand your benefits and how your plan works, what your plan requires you pay in order to use it and what your total out of pocket expense will be. Every plan is different, we’ll help you analyze yours.
Let’s Get Started.
Contact us today and learn how we can help you feel your best.
You. Only Better!
Regular laboratories are required to stay on therapy. A provider will review all of your laboratories and discuss with you any recommended changes in therapy. Some health insurance plans pay for laboratories, if yours does not, we have deeply discounted cash pay prices:
Initial panel= $205 (required to start therapy)
Annual panel= $145 (required once per year)
We’re gonna need small “follow up” panels along the way but these are included in your membership, no extra charge. All laboratories are reviewed by a provider and these reviews are also included in your membership.
Weekly injections, pellets, creams and/or oral medications are all included in your membership price along with a medication to maintain your natural production of testosterone. You decide which method is best for you, we’ll supply the medication. (Note: pellet therapy requires a “Procedure Fee” of $100. Insurance does not cover the cost of pellet therapy)
Total Cost.
No secrets here. Learn how our membership works and exactly what our treatment plan will cost for the first two years.