Is your strength not what it used to be?

Does it seem like that heavy item used to be lighter?

Is going to the gym getting harder and harder?

Let us help you understand these changes

Testosterone Deficiency leads to changes in metabolism and liver function that promote muscle loss and visceral obesity. Correcting TD can reverse those changes and lead directly to reducing body fat, increasing lean muscle mass, improving endurance, recovery, and cardiovascular function. Medical research shows that as testosterone levels decrease so does muscle mass. Couple this with multiple studies showing men with low testosterone have a higher percentage of body fat. This is because testosterone plays a critical role in metabolism: fat speeds up the metabolizing of testosterone. It’s understandable why you’re so frustrated. It’s a double whammy. Your strength decreases while your weight increases. Replacing your testosterone can help reverse this cruel cycle. Of course, eating a healthy diet and getting off the couch occasionally is also required but we can help you with that too.

Check out this article from Everyday HEALTH…

Low T and Weight Management

Seth Revoal